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Terms & Conditions of Trade

Outside The Box Ltd (trading as Tiaki Whaiaro) (“We”, “Us”, “Our”)
Date: October 2023
Updated: January 2025 

The following Terms of Trade apply to all services (“services”) provided by Tiaki Whaiaro to our patients (“You”, “Your”).

Our appointment system will send you a confirmation email at the time of making a booking, a reminder email approximately a week before your appointment, and a text message 24-48 hours before.

We may occasionally email you relevant information such as upcoming events hosted by Tiaki Whaiaro and articles of interest – you can unsubscribe to it at any time. 

New patients will need to pay in full at the time of making your appointment.

From then on, unless otherwise agreed, all services must be paid for within seven days of receiving an invoice for the services.

Payment will be accepted in the form of direct credit or direct debit.

Prices include GST unless otherwise stated.

Prices quoted for services may be adjusted from time to time, and you agree to pay any such adjusted price, e.g. where the rate for services or additional costs has increased or due to any errors or omissions by us or our representatives.

Cancelled or missed appointments
A cancellation fee may be charged if you fail to keep an appointment or give less than two hours’ notice of cancellation. The fee will be at the standard consultation rate for the time booked.

Overdue invoices
A $10 administration fee will be added to any outstanding balances within seven days following the date of the invoice.

  • We may withhold further provision of services where there is any outstanding amount due.

  • Outstanding accounts of more than 60 days may be referred to a debt collection agency.

  • Collection fees and costs incurred to recover outstanding monies will be charged to you.

Where you are in breach of agreed payment terms, we may disclose this information to a debt collection agency/credit reporting agency which may affect your credit rating, and legal proceedings may follow.

Personal Information and Confidentiality
In our dealings with you, we will collect and hold personal information about you. We respect your privacy and the sensitivity of the information you share. Except in the event of an emergency situation, we will hold in confidence all information concerning you, any notes made by our clinicians, and other private details.

The information we collect and hold about you is stored electronically in a secure file storage system. It is only accessible to staff who work under a strict client confidentiality policy.

Access to relevant client information is only used to:

  • Administer our services;

  • Obtain feedback;

  • Detect and prevent faults or breaches of our network security;

  • Meet any legally binding requirements of a court or police warrant;

  • Undertake credit management or collection processes using third-party contractors

You have the right to access your personal information at any time.

Emergency Situations
If a member of our staff determines there is a probable risk of imminent harm by you towards yourself or others, they may disclose relevant information to the appropriate medical staff or police.

You may terminate our services at any time. If our services are terminated, you must pay us all fees incurred up to the date of termination. We may terminate the provision of services to you in the event of non-payment of fees, without prejudice to any of our rights.

Retention of records
If you choose to terminate our services, you authorise us and consent to us (without further reference to you) destroying (or deleting in the case of electronic records) all files and documents in respect of the services seven years after our engagement ends (other than any documents that we hold in safe custody for you or are otherwise obliged by law to retain for longer). We may retain documents for longer at our option. We may, at our option, return documents (either in hard or electronic form) to you rather than retain them. If we choose to do this, we will do so at our expense.

Complaints Process

We aim to provide a high-quality, professional service for all patients at all times. Unfortunately, there may be occasions when you may feel dissatisfied with our service. If you would like to comment on any aspect of the service provided by us, including how we can improve our service, please contact us.

If you have any concerns or complaints about our services, please raise them with us as soon as possible. We will enquire into your complaint and endeavour in good faith to resolve the matter with you in a way that is fair to all concerned.

You may wish to contact the Health and Disability Consumer Advocacy Service for further advice.

Call free: 0800 555 050

For serious medical misconduct or if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your complaint, you can contact: 

The Health and Disability Commissioner
P O Box 1791
Call free 0800 11 22 33 

Variation of these terms

These terms may be varied from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by way of email – receipt of which shall be deemed acceptance by you.



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