Webinars (recording) - for patients 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-24 months, 24 months+ after surgery
Choose the relevant webinar recording from the drop-down menu above.
0-6 months after surgery
You’ve had your surgery and it’s a whole new world. This session looks at what’s going on inside you physically and mentally after surgery. There are practical tips for coping with a new digestive system, including water intake, multivitamins, getting enough protein. Also as important are the common mental changes as you lose weight, from elation to worry and anxiety, especially if things don't go as you thought they would.
6-12 months after surgery
This session looks at how to capitalise on the changes you have made so far and how to manage the transition that occurs as your weight loss begins to slow down and then stops.
Many common experiences may make you feel worried or anxious, especially if your weight loss hasn't been what you expected. Kate explains what you may see or are already experiencing and what you can do to work through it.
12-24 months after surgery
After the honeymoon of weight loss has stabilised or ended, it's time to step away from old habits. This pre-recorded session looks at how to recognise diet culture and its effects on you, and strategies to help you create a more full and meaningful life.
2 years+ after surgery
The further away you get from your surgery, the harder life can get, especially if you're seeing your weight go up. This session looks at different aspects of long-term self-care and support.